7 Keto Ice Cream Recipes With Heavy Cream

I’ve been hard at work trying to come out with the best keto ice cream recipes. One thing I have learned is that my best keto ice cream recipes are made with heavy cream. Most ice cream recipes are made with heavy whipping cream, however, they are also made with equal parts milk.

Heavy whipping cream is higher in fat and contains fewer carbs than milk. For this reason, we skip the milk with these keto ice cream recipes and go pure heavy cream. Don’t get me wrong, most of the carbs in ice cream come from the added sugar. However, you would be surprised how many carbs a bit of extra milk adds to the recipes.

Don’t worry, we are not going to add sugar to our keto ice cream either. All 7 of these keto ice cream recipes made with heavy cream are sweetened with erythritol. That said, these are not only some of the lowest-carb ice cream recipes online, they are also loaded with keto friendly fats from whipping cream!

Before I get started with this list I just wanted to share that all of these keto ice cream recipes are made with an ice cream maker. I personally used this Cuisinart ICE-30BC Pure Indulgence 2-Quart Ice Cream Maker. It costs less than $70 and I have not had any issues with it whatsoever. That said, any ice cream maker will do!

#1 Keto Vanilla Ice Cream Made With Heavy Cream

keto vanilla ice cream heavy cream

This keto vanilla ice cream made with whipping cream is amazing. After all, it’s hard to beat a classic like vanilla ice cream. Not only is it unbelievably creamy and delicious, but it is also super easy to make. All you need to make this keto ice cream is heavy cream, eggs, Swerve confectioners, and vanilla extract.

That’s right, this keto vanilla ice cream is made with only 4 ingredients. I love using plenty of whipping cream and egg yolks in this recipe because it makes the ice cream as thick and creamy as possible. But note that we’re only using whipping cream and egg yolks for the liquid base, so this keto vanilla ice cream will not freeze as hard as other keto ice creams.

Whipping cream and egg yolks are loaded with fats and fats do not freeze as hard as water. So not only is the extra fat good for keto but it’s also good for keeping ice cream soft and creamy. One of my favorite ways to enjoy this keto vanilla ice cream is piled on top of my keto brownie mug cake!

This recipe yields a total of 8 servings. Each serving contains roughly 361.75 calories, 37.08 grams of fat, and just over 3 net carbs.


#2 Keto Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Made With Heavy Cream

keto peanut butter chocolate ice cream

This keto peanut butter ice cream is hands down my favorite keto ice cream. I love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter. Whether I’m craving something sweet or savory this keto peanut butter ice cream does the trick. Like the keto vanilla ice cream, this recipe is loaded with egg yolks and heavy whipping cream.

Because of this, it is super creamy and does not freeze as hard as most other keto ice cream recipes you will find online. This keto friendly treat is a bit higher in carbs than most of my other ice cream recipes simply due to the added peanut butter. For this reason, sometimes I will use Perfect Keto Nut Butter in place of peanut butter. It is a bit more expensive than peanut butter but it contains fewer carbs.

Otherwise, I will just try and limit this flavor to special occasions when I have saved a little room for some extra carbs. This recipe yields 8 servings. Each serving contains roughly 417.63 calories, 38.14 grams of fat, 26 total carbs, and only 5.81 net carbs.


#3 Creamy Keto Lemon Ice Cream

keto lemon ice cream heavy cream

I absolutely love this creamy keto lemon ice cream made with heavy cream. Since it is made with real lemon juice it is extra refreshing. Living in Texas this is my perfect go-to summertime treat. I can’t imagine a better way to fit a little extra fat into the diet than with a bowl of keto lemon ice cream after a day out in the sun!

Since it’s made with plenty of heavy cream and egg yolks this keto ice cream is as creamy as it gets. This recipe contains a total of 8 servings. Each serving contains roughly 367.40 calories, 37 grams of fat, and only 5 net carbs. I recommend that you beat the heat this summer with a bowl of creamy keto lemon ice cream made with heavy cream!


#4 Low-Carb Blackberry Swirl Ice Cream

keto blackberry swirl ice cream

Another great summertime treat is my delicious low-carb blackberry swirl ice cream. It’s soft, creamy, and made with real blackberries. Unlike most fruit, blackberries are one of the few that you can have in moderation on a ketogenic diet. In fact, one cup of blackberries contains only 14 total carbs and 8 grams of fiber. After subtracting the fiber that equates to 6 net carbs per cup.

Of course, you can’t eat blackberries in unlimited quantities, but you can enjoy them in moderation. This entire low-carb blackberry ice cream recipe contains only 6 oz of blackberries. That’s just enough to add some flavor without adding too many carbs.

Like the other keto ice creams on this list, this recipe is loaded with keto friendly whipping cream. Along with the eggs the whipping cream helps to keep this recipe as soft and creamy as possible. Enjoy on top of some warm keto blackberry cobbler!

This low-carb blackberry swirl ice cream recipe yields a total of 8 servings. Each serving contains roughly 375.23 calories, 37.18 grams of fat, 33.25 total carbs, and only 4.8 net carbs!

#5 Keto Chocolate Ice Cream Made With Heavy Cream

keto chocolate ice cream ice cream maker

Another classic, this creamy keto chocolate ice cream is one of my favorites. It tastes great and is pretty easy to make if you are new to making ice cream. My goal was to make this keto chocolate ice cream as thick and creamy as possible, which is why I went so heavy with the heavy whipping cream and eggs in this particular recipe.

This keto chocolate ice cream is super creamy and the taste reminds me of frozen hot chocolate. It is the perfect low-carb movie night treat or as a post-dinner dessert. The entire recipe makes about 8 servings. Each serving contains roughly 436.33 calories, 43.1 grams of fat, 23.58 total carbs, 4.74 net carbs, and 7.3 grams of protein.


#6 Keto Butter Pecan Ice Cream

keto butter pecan ice cream

Another favorite of mine is the keto butter pecan ice cream. This southern favorite is perfect for when you want to mix it up a bit. It’s made with real pecans toasted in keto friendly butter and, of course, loaded with plenty of heavy whipping cream!

That said, this is the only recipe on the list that uses a liquid besides heavy cream. It is actually a mix of heavy cream and half and half. To be honest I don’t recall why I went with half and half, but I can tell you that the recipe turned out great.

That said, feel free to use pure heavy cream an I’m sure it will come out fantastic as well. This keto butter pecan ice cream recipe contains 6 servings and each serving yields roughly 325 calories, 31.1 grams of fat, 4.51 total carbs, and 2 net carbs. That makes this the lowest net carb ice cream on the list!


#7 Keto Avocado Ice Cream

keto avocado ice cream recipe

I know what you’re thinking, keto avocado ice cream? Believe it or not avocado ice cream is amazing. Not only does this keto ice cream contain fats from heavy cream but also from real avocados. This is great because avocados are high in monounsaturated fats. This is the type of fat that many refer to as the heart-healthy fat.

Avocados are a well-known staple on the keto diet and for good reason. Not only are they are loaded with healthy fats, but also with many important vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. One electrolyte potassium, in particular, is very important on a keto diet.

When you start on a keto diet your body can lose a lot of electrolytes in the process of dropping water from your body. That said, avocados contain more potassium per cup than bananas do. So why eat a sugar-loaded banana when you can enjoy some keto avocado ice cream instead?

This recipe makes 6 servings. Each serving contains about 255 calories, 25.5 grams of fat, and just over 3 grams of net carbs.


Hopefully one of these keto ice cream made with heavy cream will become one of your favorite keto treats. I have tried to make these recipes as simple as possible without sacrificing quality. Please share your favorite recipe from this list with your keto community!


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